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Radius ruler and Ruler


All ruler tools help you understand the current map scale and measure distances. The Ruler's Radius tool allows you to set a radius around a selected point on the map, displaying distance circles on the map. The Tangent Distance tool allows you to calculate the distance between selected points or find the distance to a specific point.

Radius-ruler screen


Ruler tool

The Ruler displays a map scale and shows the number of meters / feet (other units of measure) in a segment. It can be seen at the bottom of the screen. On average map scale is a round number that could fit a size of thumb.

The Ruler allows you to visually assess objects on the map and the distance between them and changes the displayed value as you zoom in on the map.

FormatMenu β†’ Configure profile β†’ General settings β†’ Units & formats β†’ Units of length

Radius ruler widget​

Menu β†’ Configure screen β†’ Widgets β†’ Left panel/Right panel β†’ Radius ruler

Radius-ruler screen

Radius ruler widget shows distance between your location and center point of the Radius-ruler. Radius of the first circle is equal to the map scale.

Compass for Radius ruler​

Compass ruler

By default, Map orientation information is displayed as circles with a radius ruler. It displays how North of the map is oriented in relation top of the device.

You may also see a blue triangle as the compass direction. This option requires the GPS compass on the device to be present and enabled. Hold the device horizontally to see where the device head is pointing.

Hint. If you rotate the device so that the blue and red arrows are pointing up, the head of the device is pointing north. If you rotate the map or device so that the blue and red arrows are aligned, you can see that the map is correctly oriented to the physical landscape.

EnableAndroid: Menu β†’ Configure screen β†’ Right panel / Left panel β†’ Radius ruler
iOS: Menu β†’ Configure screen β†’ Right panel / Left panel β†’ Radius ruler
FormatMenu β†’ Configure profile β†’ General settings β†’ Units & formats β†’ Angular unit (Android) β†’ Angular measurement units (iOS)

Center / Bottom position​

In order to expand the visible range of the ruler radius you need to turn off Position placement always in center:

Menu β†’ Configure profile β†’ General settings β†’ Position placement always in center

Then you need to enable Radius ruler in the Configure screen when you press the location button Radius ruler will move downward.

Display position Android Radius ruler downward

3D view​

In order to expand the visible range of the ruler radius for you need to press on the location button and change the map Tilt to 3D view.

Radius ruler 3D format

Video Guides​

Video guide how to use Radius ruler:

Distance by tap tool​

Distance between two random points on the map

Distance from your location to a point on the map
If you tap the map once, a line from your current location and the distance to it will be displayed. The line will also be active if you tap the screen repeatedly.

Distance between 2 points on the map
If you touch two points at the same time, the map will show the line between them and the distance.

EnableAndroid: Menu β†’ Configure screen β†’ Buttons β†’ Distance by tap
iOS: Menu β†’ Configure screen β†’ Buttons β†’ Distance by tap
Text size (Android)Menu β†’ Configure screen β†’ Buttons β†’ Distance by tap β†’ Text size
Units FormatMenu β†’ Configure profile β†’ General settings β†’ Units & formats β†’ Units of length

This article was last updated in March 2023