OsmAnd File Formats
The documentation describes the files supported by OsmAnd.
GPX Routes, Tracks - .gpxβ
OsmAnd uses GPX files to record tracks, save pre-calculated routes, and can import GPX files prepared by other sources for viewing or navigation.
KML Tracks - .kml, .kmzβ
OsmAnd can import or convert location information in KML format.
OsmAnd Package - .osfβ
A package to distribute backups, plugins, maps as a container for all other files.
Routing Configuration - .routing.xmlβ
OsmAnd routing configuration file.
Map Rendering style - .render.xmlβ
OsmAnd rendering style is a special XML file that describes how vector map objects should be displayed on the map. As a rule, it contains quite a lot of lines of code and is well customizable.
OsmAnd Binary Maps - .obfβ
OsmAnd format for storing vectorized location data such as maps.
Tiles Directory Format - .metainfoβ
OsmAnd's Metainfo format specification.
Tiles SQLite Format - .sqliteβ
OsmAnd's SQLite format specification.
Voice packagesβ
Recorded and TTS-synthesized voice packets that create navigational voice prompts.