Map Rendering style - .render.xml
In case you want to modify the default rendering style, you need to check out the definition on GitHub. You'll find all sorts of styles at this link, so if you're going to create your own style, you can find the easiest example.
In case you decide to create your custom rendering style, you may need to create your own maps to add custom features display.
Map style sectionsβ
Map style file consists of several sections.
Section | Description |
Header | Consists of name (style name), defaultColor (default map color could be overridden by attribute defaultColor) and depends (inherits all properties from parent style). |
Parameters | Defined as <renderingProperty> has attr which will be used in the style as a parameter name and name , description will be displayed to user. |
Attributes and constants | Defined as <renderingAttribute> and as <renderingConstant> allows to reuse same blocks of rendering styles for different map objects |
Order section | Defined as a block <order> . Each map object is searched in the order-section to get whether it will be rendered as point, line or polygon (objectType ) and in which order should be displayed. Search parameters (input): tag , value , zoom , point (true or false), area (osm type), cycle (start and end point are same). Search result (output): objectType (point = 1, line = 2, polygon = 3), order (0-255). Order of rendering is defined as: polygons, line-shadows, lines, points. If order is the same for polygons, then polygons are displayed from the largest polygon to the smallest. Note: polygons shouldn't overlap partially otherwise behavior is not defined. |
Text section | Defined as a block <text> . Each displayed map object is searched whether it should display the text and how it should be displayed. Search parameters (input): tag , value , zoom , nameTag (each text tag is checked). Search result (output): textOnPath , textMinDistance (margin between same texts i.e. road names, refs ), textSize , textColor , textHaloRadius , textOrder , textDy , textBold , nameTag2 (extra name in the braces if present), textShield (background arond text), icon (icon instead of text), textItalic , textWrapWidth , intersectionMargin (extra margin to not overlap text). |
Point section | Defined as a block <point> . Each displayed point map object (defined in order -section) is searched in this section to determine how it should be displayed. Search parameters (input): tag , value , zoom , e . Search result (output): shield (icon shield), icon , iconVisibleSize (extra space to not clutter icons), iconOrder , intersectionSizeFactor . |
Polygon section | Defined as a block <polygon> . Each displayed polygon map object (defined in order -section) is searched in this section to determine how it should be displayed. Search parameters (input): tag , value , zoom . Search result (output): color (color to fill the polygon), shader (fill polygon with same icon), color_2, color_N (color of stroke around polygon), strokeWidth_2 (stroke width), pathEffect_2 , cap_2 . |
Line section | Defined as a block <line> . Each displayed line map object (defined in order -section) is searched whether in this section to determine how it should be displayed. 1 line object could be rendered as multiple combined lines up to -2 layers below and up to 7 layers on top. Search parameters (input): tag , value , zoom , nameTag (each text tag is checked), . Search result (output): color, color_* (color of stroke around polygon), strokeWidth, strokeWidth_* (stroke width), pathEffect, pathEffect_* (path effect), cap, cap_* (BUTT, ROUND, SQUARE), pathIcon , pathIconStep , shadowRadius (shadow around line). |
Map feature selectorsβ
To determine which attributes should be retrieved from rendering style, following search procedure is completed:
- Find the most inner
that corresponds to Search input parameterstag/value/zoom
i.e. forhighway=primary
-<case tag="highway" value="primary">
will be found. - All internals of
are applied sequentially deep and output parameters are collected <case><apply output="1"/><apply_if zoom="15" output="2"> <case>
- output will be 2 in casezoom=15
and output will be 1 otherwise.- Checked if
is part of any<switch>
and if it is then allapply
of that switch will be evaluated as well
Evaluation rules:
- In each 'case',
input attributes are checked to match (evalute to true), otherwise section is skipped and output attributes are not collected. - All rules evaluated sequentially and output parameters could be overridden by folowing rules
is a special input attribute that checks additional tags of the object- Map style parameters are input search parameters as well next to
- Example:
<apply_if nightMode="false" streetLightingNight="false" shield="street_lamp_lit_no_shield"/>
. Input parameters: nightMode, streetLightingNight; output parameters - shield.
- Example:
Attributes (special) & Constantsβ
Rendering constants & rendering attributes are interchangeable and could be used to simplify rendering style and avoid copy/pasting of values or blocks of code. In case attribute like color
is a single value, it is preferred to use rendering constant cause it greatly speeds up rendering style performance.
Rendering constants could be used only with one given value: <renderingConstant name="motorwayShadowRadius" value="1.6"/>
and later in feature selectors as <apply_if shadowRadius="$motorwayShadowRadius"/>
Rendering attributes could have embedded structure with extra selectors and output one of the following attributes (attrColorValue
, attrBoolValue
, attrFloatValue
, attrIntValue
, attrStringValue
). Example:
<renderingAttribute name="motorroadShadowColor">
<case attrColorValue="#5f5fff"/>
<case showAccess="true" additional="motorroad=yes" attrColorValue="$motorroadShadowColor"/>
Special attributesβ
Special attributes are <renderingAttribute >
that are not used by selectors but used directly by the code to query specific feature which is drawn in application like a navigation route, ruler, gpx track, etc.
Special attribute | Description |
measureDistanceLine | Line rendering for Plan Route feature |
markerGuideline , markerPlanRouteline | Rendering lines to the markers |
route | Rendering a navigation route |
gpx | Rendering a GPX track |
publicTransportLine | Rendering a public transport navigation route |
walkingRouteLine | Rendering a public transport navigation: pedestrian route between stops |
rulerLineFont , rulerLine , rulerCircleAlt , rulerCircle | How to render Radius-Ruler widget and measure distance by tap |
defaultColor | Default color to fill the map (switches night / day mode) |
shadowRendering | Internal how to render shadow with Skia |
routeInfo_* | Example: routeInfo_surface , routeInfo_roadClass produce classes of roads to be displayed in the legend of the route. |
polygonMinSizeToDisplay | Internals how to render small lines and small polygons |
roadDensityZoomTile | Internals how to render small lines and small polygons |
roadsDensityLimitPerTile | Internals how to render small lines and small polygons |
defaultSymbolPathSpacing | Internals how to render small lines and small polygons |
defaultBlockPathSpacing | Internals how to render small lines and small polygons |
globalPathPadding | Internals how to render small lines and small polygons |
debugTextDisplayBBox | Attributes to debug text rendering and positioning |
debugTextDisplayShieldBBox | Attributes to debug text rendering and positioning |
debugTextDoNotFindIntersections | Attributes to debug text rendering and positioning |
debugTextDoNotFindIntersectionsSameName | Attributes to debug text rendering and positioning |
debugTextDisplayShortRoadNames | Attributes to debug text rendering and positioning |
Map Style Parametersβ
Map style parameters allow to combine multiple rendering style within one file definition i.e. there is no need to have separate 'my_custom_style_night_mode.render.xml', it is possible to define parameter like night_mode
(enabled by default) and customize certain rules (like colors) using this parameter. Later in the User interface it's possible to easy switch that parameter and have a different map style in OsmAnd.
Here is a definition of baseAppMode
parameter. possibleValues
are values will be displayed in OsmAnd UI, category
assists in which UI category this property belongs to.
<renderingProperty attr="baseAppMode" name="Default Rendering mode" description="Map optimization for respective User Profile based on base (parent) profile"
type="string" possibleValues="default, car, bicycle, pedestrian, public_transport, boat, ski"/>
Later in the selection style you can specify when this selector could be applied i.e. for which application mode specified by the user
<renderingAttribute name="roadsDensityLimitPerTile">
<!-- Number of roads to display per tile -->
<case moreDetailed="true" attrIntValue="55"/>
<case baseAppMode="pedestrian" attrIntValue="40"/>
<case baseAppMode="bicycle" attrIntValue="40"/>
<case attrIntValue="60"/>
So if user selects moreDetailed=true
then output value for density will be 55
and if baseAppMode=pedestrian
(another parameter) it wil be 40
, otherwise 60.